Case Studies

Case Studies

Caloundra Road to The Sunshine Motorway Upgrade

For the Caloundra Road to Sunshine Motorway (CR2SM) project, a Fulton Hogan and Seymour Whyte Joint Venture, Protech delivered the inaugural Diversity Employment Program for the early works on the Bruce Highway Upgrade at the Sunshine Coast. The established milestones meant the program would ensure 12+ months of employment for those completing it, while also providing an opportunity to participate in a range of training and practical construction activities prior to the commencement of major construction works.

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Case Studies

Protech Pre-Apprenticeship Program

The Protech Pre-Apprenticeship program is aimed at school-leavers, providing them with an opportunity to gain entry into their desired industry. The fully-funded program recruits, screens, and inducts young applicants, providing tailored support to individuals placed with host employers, where they go on to undertake employment-based, pre-apprenticeship training.

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Case Studies

InLink Inland Rail – Parkes to Narromine

Collaborating with InLink, the Fulton Hogan and BMD Constructions joint venture, Protech supplied over 60 civil labourers to the Inland Rail project from 2019 to 2020. The $300 million project involved the upgrade of nearly 100km of existing rail track between Parkes to Narromine, acting as the final link between south east Queensland, Adelaide, and Perth.

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